The 210 Orthodontics offices have reopened for routine patient treatment. Protecting our community continues to be our biggest concern and top priority. We ask for your patience as we call you to reschedule appointments. However, if you do not feel comfortable coming in at this time, we totally understand.
As we open, we assure you our team is maintaining impeccable infection control procedures. We reviewed recommendations from the CDC and other knowledgeable groups to set up these procedures. With the new reality of COVID-19, we have implemented some new protocols in our office until further notice.
Ways We Are Protecting Our Community
To reduce risk of exposure, we have closed the tooth brushing stations. Please make sure the teeth are kept clean and brushed prior to any scheduled appointments.
- Minimizing the number of people in the office.We ask that adult patients come to the appointment alone, and child patients be accompanied by only one adult. If you feel comfortable sending your child in alone, we will call you afterwards to schedule the next appointment and update you on progress.
- Wearing personal protective equipment.Our team will be wearing masks at all times. In compliance with the city ordinance, we require face coverings in the office. Patients will need to wear masks unless a procedure is being performed.
- Please arrive at your scheduled appointment time.It is important that you arrive on time, not early or late. If you arrive early, please wait in your car and enter the office at the appointed time. If you are late, call the office prior to coming in to inquire if we will be able to see you.
- Using a touchless check-in system.We are using a smart phone app called Dolphin MyOrthodontist. The app has a Patient Badge (QR code) that we scan for check-in. You should have received an invitation via email from our office at the end of April with details about signing up.
- Performing health screenings before appointments.We will be checking temperatures of everyone who attends the appointment prior to taking you back for your procedure with a touchless infrared thermometer.
- Rescheduling appointments as needed.We ask that you call to reschedule your appointment if any of the following are true:
- You or a family member with whom you’ve had contact had any symptoms such as fever above 99.6 degrees, cough, shortness of breath, and/or trouble breathing, persistent pain, loss of smell and taste, pressure or tightness in the chest.
- You have interacted with anyone testing positive for COVID-19 or has any COVID like symptoms.
- Additionally, if you have traveled to any of the high risk areas (these are updated regularly on the CDC website) in the past three weeks.
We look forward to seeing you! Be safe, practice social distancing and hand (and dental) hygiene.
If you have any questions, please call us.