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Meet Your Orthodontist: Dr. Green

210 Orthodontics San Antonio, TX

210 Orthodontics is excited to introduce Dr. Green, an orthodontist who is joining our team this summer!

Where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in Springfield, Missouri.


My mom and dad are from two small towns near Springfield, Missouri. They moved to Springfield after they got married. I have an older brother, younger sister, and younger brother. My parents own a small industrial electrical business. My father is the only employee and mainly works at rock quarries / asphalt plants taking care of all their electrical engineering needs. My mother was a hair stylist but mainly deals with the paperwork and billing for their business. My older brother is in the pharmaceutical industry. My sister is a stay-at-home mom, taking care of my 3-year-old niece. My younger brother has an associates degree in business management and is planning to continue his education to get a bachelor’s degree.

I love spending time with my family. I will definitely miss them but plan to visit whenever I can!

When did you know you wanted to be an orthodontist? What inspired your interest in this field?

I was very fortunate to have a family friend who practiced orthodontics in Nixa, Missouri. Coming out of high school, he offered me a job working in the lab in his office. During my time in the lab, I grew to love orthodontics. Seeing patient models at the start of treatment and then again at the end of treatment showed me how life changing this profession could be. Seeing his interactions with patients and their families made a huge impression on me. I will forever be grateful for that opportunity!


In middle school and high school, I was not sure of what I wanted to be when I grew up. At first, I thought I wanted to do something in the medical field. However, after my first summer working in the lab at Austin Orthodontics in Nixa, Missouri, I knew that I wanted to become an orthodontist. Ever since that summer, I have been on the path to become an orthodontist and I am so thrilled that dream has finally come true.


I really enjoy playing golf, being out on a boat at the lake, or hanging out by a pool! If I am not outside, I am likely hanging out with friends or at home binge watching a show on Netflix.


My biggest inspiration is my dad. From an early age he instilled in me a tremendous work ethic and showed me the importance of pursuing a higher education. I will always remember working outside with him, digging a ditch in the mid-summer heat with my leather gloves on. After that job was completed, I told him I would be trading in my leather gloves for nitrile gloves. This was the moment I decided I would do something in the medical field, and he has been extremely supportive throughout the process.

When did you know you wanted to be an orthodontist? What inspired your interest in this field?

The patients! I truly enjoy all the little interactions and conversations throughout the day. Every patient is unique in their own way, and it makes this such an extremely enjoyable career.

What kind of music do you like? Favorite artist?

I listen to all different kinds of music and can’t say I have a particular favorite. I can usually jam out to any genre or artist playing over the speakers.

What’s your favorite movie or movie quote?

Caddyshack, “You’ll get nothing and like it!”

What’s your most-used productivity hack?

A good old fashioned to-do list! I find it enjoyable to physically mark things off and that it keeps me on track to accomplish everything that needs to be done that day.

If you weren’t an orthodontist, what would you be?

In another life I would be a chef! I’d love to be able to make extravagant meals and always have tasty food nearby.

What show are you currently binge-watching?

I am currently watching Yellowstone and Better Call Saul.

What’s your favorite holiday?

Christmas! I enjoy getting to spend time with my family, eating great home-cooked meals, and giving gifts to each other.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I have taken quite a few personality quizzes to try and find out which I am – most of the time the answer reveals I am an introvert. However, I am quick to open up and most people would think I am an extrovert.

What do you love most about San Antonio?

I love that San Antonio is a big city with a small-town vibe. Growing up in a smaller town makes San Antonio feel like home. However, with it being a larger city, there is always something to do or a new place to explore!

Favorite restaurant or other places to go in San Antonio?

One of my favorite restaurants in San Antonio is Silo Elevated Cuisine. Elevated due to the fact that you have to go up an elevator to eat in the restaurant.

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island and why?

A boat, a captain, and a map to get me back home! I may love a short vacation to a beach but have no intentions of getting stranded.

Name three random things/fun facts your patients may not know about you.

1) I took all of the home economics classes in high school and enjoy cooking a variety of meals.
2) Always a work in progress, but my best golf round to date is 85.
3) In middle school I had two pet ducks named Lucky and Goose.

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